Exciting News: Free School Lunches for All Students at Cleveland Public Schools!

We are absolutely thrilled to share some fantastic news with our community! Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our Child Nutrition Department, Cleveland Public Schools has been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the next four years. This approval means that all students, regardless of income, will receive free meals! This…

Why Snow Days for Tiger Students and Staff?

As we navigate the challenges of inclement weather, it’s essential to consider the impact of our decisions on student attendance and academic achievement. The choice between snow days and distance learning days has significant implications for our students’ learning experiences and long-term success. Prioritizing On-Campus Learning Chronic Absenteeism, the issue of students missing 10% or…

Cleveland School Inclement Weather Responses

As winter weather begins to rear its ugly head, we wanted to inform you of the options that are considered as a response to inclement weather inside our school district boundary. These options can range from the complete closure of campus and activities, to a delayed start of school, or to distance learning. As always…

HOMECOMING is September 22-23 2023!

Homecoming in Cleveland means a return home for alumni. Homecoming is when we remind ourselves what it means to be a part of the Tiger Family. A Family that is full of athletes, musicians, debaters, farmers, business professionals, scholars, artists, and so much more. The WHOLE Tiger Family uses our Homecoming events as a reason to descend on…

Cell Phones In The Classroom Observations

Cleveland School’s has found a noticeable increase in cell phone usage and distraction in students in the classroom. As we look out for the WHOLE Student we have made some noticeable observations. Healthy limitations on screen time make a difference. Less distractions in class make a difference. Talk to your Tiger Student today.

Discounted Lifeline Internet Service

Lifeline is a federal program (*The district is not directly involved) dedicated to making phone and internet service more affordable for low-income households. This benefit provides eligible consumers with a monthly discounts with consumers living on Tribal lands being eligible for enhanced discounts. After you qualify, choose a phone or internet company near you that…